Here is a song which may help you to learn the past form of some English verbs:
6th grade: Past Tense Verb Patterns
Hi guys!
Here is a song which may help you to learn the past form of some English verbs:
Here is a song which may help you to learn the past form of some English verbs:
English Verbs with Pink Panther
Hi guys!
Here are some English verbs you may learn with the Pink Panther.
Enjoy it!
Pink Panther & English Verbs
Here are some English verbs you may learn with the Pink Panther.
Enjoy it!
Pink Panther & English Verbs
6th Grade - Complementary Grammar Exercises for Listening Units
Hi guys!
Here are some complementary grammar exercises for revising your knowledge before the competence exam.
Study hard!
Here are some complementary grammar exercises for revising your knowledge before the competence exam.
Study hard!
Present Simple (3rd pr. sg.)
Past Simple (Regular Verbs)
Past Simple (Irregular Verbs)
Simple Future (will+verb)
Future Intention (going to+verb)
6th grade: Funny story Mr Bean Level 2
Hi boys and girls from the 6th grade!
Here is a new story for you, this time in the Past Simple .....
Enjoy it!
Here is a new story for you, this time in the Past Simple .....
Enjoy it!
Funny story Mr Bean
Mr Bean - The Restaurant
5th grade: Audio Picture Book Sinbad Level 1
Hi guys!
Here is the story of Sinbad. Slightly more difficult than the previous ones....
Enjoy it!
Here is the story of Sinbad. Slightly more difficult than the previous ones....
Enjoy it!
6th grade: 73 Questions with ....... Taylor Swift!
Hi guys from the 6th grade!
Here is an interview with Taylor Swift. Now you can test your listening abilities. Try to catch as much information as you can!
And enjoy it, of course!
73 Questions With Taylor Swift
Here is an interview with Taylor Swift. Now you can test your listening abilities. Try to catch as much information as you can!
And enjoy it, of course!
73 Questions With Taylor Swift
Short Animated Film: Tea Time
Hi guys!
Here is a short animated film for you with little English in its subtitles....
Enjoy it!
Tea Time
Here is a short animated film for you with little English in its subtitles....
Enjoy it!
Tea Time
Audio Story: Journey to the Center of the Earth
Hi boys and girls!
Here is another audio story for your Sunday morning!
Enjoy it!
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Here is another audio story for your Sunday morning!
Enjoy it!
Journey to the Center of the Earth
St. George's Day
Hi boys and girls!
Here is the legend which explains the origin of our Catalan celebrations.
Enjoy it!
St. George's Legend
Here is the legend which explains the origin of our Catalan celebrations.
Enjoy it!
St. George's Legend
El dilluns 11 d'Abril vam fer la visita
dels ferrocarrils. Aquest curs hem pogut conèixer el funicular de Vallvidrera.
Els nostres monitors ens van explicar perfectament com funcionava i les normes
d'us. També vam aprofitar per fer un recordatori general de les normes d'us del
transport públic.
Sabíeu que canviar un vidre del tren costa
més de 2.000 euros?
I que comprar un tren sencer nou costa 7.5
milions d’euros?
Nosaltres ens vam quedar molt impactats!!!
Audio Story: Around the World in 80 Days
Hi guys!
Here is an audio story for you with the vocabulary and structure you have just learned in class.
Enjoy it!
Around The World in 80 Days
Here is an audio story for you with the vocabulary and structure you have just learned in class.
Enjoy it!
Around The World in 80 Days
6th grade: Let's go on an excursion to Fontmartina
Hi boys and girls from the 6th grade!
On Wednesday we will go together on an excursion to Font Martina in Montseny. So, why not have a closer look at the route and the nature around?
SH&R. BV-5114 Road. Montseny Natural Park
Montseny a Fontmartina
On Wednesday we will go together on an excursion to Font Martina in Montseny. So, why not have a closer look at the route and the nature around?
SH&R. BV-5114 Road. Montseny Natural Park
Montseny a Fontmartina
Els nens i nenes de sisè
vam preparar uns jocs fent servir l’electricitat. Aíxí doncs,
vàrem muntar uns circuits elèctrics sobre les parts del cos, els
ossos, els músculs i les articulacions, perquè els nens i nenes de
primer i segon poguessin aprendre aquests conceptes i s’ho
passessin bé!!
Avui hem anat a la biblioteca municipal per tal de conèixer una mica més el seu funcionament.
Ens han explicat quins espais podem utilitzar i per què es fan servir. També ens han informat de les diferents activitats que es realitzen i de les quals també podem gaudir.
Aquí us deixem l'enllaç de la bilioteca per si algú té algun dubte!
Analitzem una de les següents cartes enviades al diari LA VANGUARDIA el passat 14 de març:
1) Quines parts podem identificar al text?
2) Quines característiques té el llenguatge que es fa servir? (verbs)
3) És un text objectiu o subjectiu?
1) Quines parts podem identificar al text?
2) Quines característiques té el llenguatge que es fa servir? (verbs)
3) És un text objectiu o subjectiu?
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